Reckless Creatives

Dramatist Jeff Kitchen Attacks Storytelling with a Burn Rod

November 30, 2022 Jeanne Veillette Bowerman & Sadie Dean Season 2 Episode 6

"If you're not in over your head, you're not doing your job as a writer." Yep, that about sums up the theme of Sadie and Jeanne's convo with Jeff Kitchen. If you're looking for inspiration to push your story to its limits (and beyond), look no further.

Oh, and a plant's life might be in danger. Or maybe not. We'll see.

UPDATE: Jeff has a new book out, The Hero's Dilemma: Drama at the Heart of Your Story.  Available now! "Decades in the making, The Hero’s Dilemma was written by one of the world’s top-rated writing teachers, Jeff Kitchen. This book is a game changer, showing you how to start any story from scratch, maximizing its dramatic power as you create, develop, and construct it. A Dilemma of magnitude—trapping a protagonist between two equally unacceptable alternatives—is the engine of drama, and yet it’s virtually unheard of in film schools or writing courses."

Resources from this episode:
Jeff Kitchen's website.
Cactus Jack episode.
"How Does Breathing Affect Your Brain?"
Jeff Kitchen on Twitter: @script_kitchen

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